Hog, Johannes; Rajan, Raghu; Biedenkapp, André; Awad, Noor; Hutter, Frank; Nguyen, Vu Meta-learning Population-based Methods for Reinforcement Learning Journal Article In: Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2025, ISBN: 2835-8856. @article{hog-tmlr25a,
title = {Meta-learning Population-based Methods for Reinforcement Learning},
author = {Johannes Hog and Raghu Rajan and André Biedenkapp and Noor Awad and Frank Hutter and Vu Nguyen},
editor = {Mirco Mutti},
year = {2025},
isbn = {2835-8856},
journal = {Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
keywords = {}
Ndir, Tidiane Camaret; Biedenkapp, André; Awad, Noor Inferring Behavior-Specific Context Improves Zero-Shot Generalization in Reinforcement Learning Inproceedings In: Seventeenth European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning, 2024. @inproceedings{ndir-ewrl24a,
title = {Inferring Behavior-Specific Context Improves Zero-Shot Generalization in Reinforcement Learning},
author = {Tidiane Camaret Ndir and André Biedenkapp and Noor Awad},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Seventeenth European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning},
journal = {arXiv:2404.09521 [cs.LG]},
keywords = {}
Robertson, Jake; Schmidt, Thorsten; Hutter, Frank; Awad, Noor A Human-in-the-Loop Fairness-Aware Model Selection Framework for Complex Fairness Objective Landscapes Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-24), 2024. @inproceedings{Robertson2024b,
title = {A Human-in-the-Loop Fairness-Aware Model Selection Framework for Complex Fairness Objective Landscapes},
author = { Jake Robertson and Thorsten Schmidt and Frank Hutter and Noor Awad},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES-24)},
keywords = {}
Bordne, Philipp; Hasan, M. Asif; Bergman, Eddie; Awad, Noor; Biedenkapp, André CANDID DAC: Leveraging Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences in DAC Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), Workshop Track, 2024. @inproceedings{bordne-automlworkshop24a,
title = {CANDID DAC: Leveraging Coupled Action Dimensions with Importance Differences in DAC},
author = {Philipp Bordne and M. Asif Hasan and Eddie Bergman and Noor Awad and André Biedenkapp},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), Workshop Track},
journal = {arXiv:2407.05789 [cs.LG]},
keywords = {}
Robertson, Jake; Hollmann, Noah; Awad, Noor; Hutter, Frank FairPFN: Transformers Can do Counterfactual Fairness Conference Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), Workshop Track, 2024. @conference{Robertson2024,
title = {FairPFN: Transformers Can do Counterfactual Fairness},
author = {Jake Robertson and Noah Hollmann and Noor Awad and Frank Hutter},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), Workshop Track},
keywords = {}
Watanabe, Shuhei; Awad, Noor; Onishi, Masaki; Hutter, Frank Speeding Up Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization by Task Similarity-Based Meta-Learning for the Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator Inproceedings In: Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'23), 2023. @inproceedings{Watanabe22b,
title = {Speeding Up Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization by Task Similarity-Based Meta-Learning for the Tree-Structured Parzen Estimator},
author = {Shuhei Watanabe and Noor Awad and Masaki Onishi and Frank Hutter},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2023/487},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'23)},
keywords = {}
Awad, Noor; Sharma, Ayushi; Müller, Philipp; Thomas, Janek; Hutter, Frank MO-DEHB: Evolutionary-based Hyperband for Multi-Objective Optimization Online 2023, visited: 09.05.2023. @online{Awad-arXiv-2023,
title = {MO-DEHB: Evolutionary-based Hyperband for Multi-Objective Optimization},
author = {Noor Awad and Ayushi Sharma and Philipp Müller and Janek Thomas and Frank Hutter},
year = {2023},
keywords = {}
Weerts, Hilde; Pfisterer, Florian; Feurer, Matthias; Eggensperger, Katharina; Bergman, Edward; Awad, Noor; Vanschoren, Joaquin; Pechenizkiy, Mykola; Bischl, Bernd; Hutter, Frank Can Fairness be Automated? Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-aware AutoML Journal Article In: arXiv:2303.08485 [cs.AI], 2023. @article{weerts-arxiv23a,
title = {Can Fairness be Automated? Guidelines and Opportunities for Fairness-aware AutoML},
author = {Hilde Weerts and Florian Pfisterer and Matthias Feurer and Katharina Eggensperger and Edward Bergman and Noor Awad and Joaquin Vanschoren and Mykola Pechenizkiy and Bernd Bischl and Frank Hutter},
year = {2023},
journal = {arXiv:2303.08485 [cs.AI]},
keywords = {}
Adriaensen, Steven; Biedenkapp, André; Shala, Gresa; Awad, Noor; Eimer, Theresa; Lindauer, Marius; Hutter, Frank Automated Dynamic Algorithm Configuration Journal Article In: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), vol. 75, pp. 1633-1699, 2022. @article{adriaens-arxiv22a,
title = {Automated Dynamic Algorithm Configuration},
author = {Steven Adriaensen and André Biedenkapp and Gresa Shala and Noor Awad and Theresa Eimer and Marius Lindauer and Frank Hutter},
doi = {10.1613/jair.1.13922 },
year = {2022},
journal = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)},
volume = {75},
pages = {1633-1699},
keywords = {}
Watanabe, Shuhei; Awad, Noor; Onishi, Masaki; Hutter, Frank Multi-objective Tree-structured Parzen Estimator Meets Meta-learning Inproceedings In: Sixth Workshop on Meta-Learning at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022. @inproceedings{watanabe2022multiobjective,
title = {Multi-objective Tree-structured Parzen Estimator Meets Meta-learning},
author = {Shuhei Watanabe and Noor Awad and Masaki Onishi and Frank Hutter},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {Sixth Workshop on Meta-Learning at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
keywords = {}
Eggensperger, Katharina; Müller, Philipp; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Feurer, Matthias; Sass, René; Klein, Aaron; Awad, Noor; Lindauer, Marius; Hutter, Frank HPOBench: A Collection of Reproducible Multi-Fidelity Benchmark Problems for HPO Inproceedings In: Vanschoren, J.; Yeung, S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks, 2021. @inproceedings{eggensperger-neuripsdbt21,
title = {HPOBench: A Collection of Reproducible Multi-Fidelity Benchmark Problems for HPO},
author = {Katharina Eggensperger and Philipp Müller and Neeratyoy Mallik and Matthias Feurer and René Sass and Aaron Klein and Noor Awad and Marius Lindauer and Frank Hutter},
editor = {J. Vanschoren and S. Yeung},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks},
journal = {arXiv:2109.06716},
volume = {1},
keywords = {}
Awad, Noor; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Hutter, Frank DEHB: Evolutionary Hyberband for Scalable, Robust and Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'21), ijcai.org, 2021. @inproceedings{awad-ijcai21,
title = {DEHB: Evolutionary Hyberband for Scalable, Robust and Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization},
author = {Noor Awad and Neeratyoy Mallik and Frank Hutter},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'21)},
publisher = {ijcai.org},
keywords = {}
Awad, Noor; Shala, Gresa; Deng, Difan; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Feurer, Matthias; Eggensperger, Katharina; Biedenkapp, André; Vermetten, Diederick; Wang, Hao; Doerr, Carola; Lindauer, Marius; Hutter, Frank Squirrel: A Switching Hyperparameter Optimizer Description of the entry by AutoML.org & IOHprofiler to the NeurIPS 2020 BBO challenge Journal Article In: arXiv:2012.08180 [cs.LG], 2020, (Optimizer description for the NeurIPS 2020 BBO
Squirrel won the competition´s warm-starting friendly
leaderboard.). @article{awad-arxiv20a,
title = {Squirrel: A Switching Hyperparameter Optimizer Description of the entry by AutoML.org & IOHprofiler to the NeurIPS 2020 BBO challenge},
author = {Noor Awad and Gresa Shala and Difan Deng and Neeratyoy Mallik and Matthias Feurer and Katharina Eggensperger and André Biedenkapp and Diederick Vermetten and Hao Wang and Carola Doerr and Marius Lindauer and Frank Hutter},
year = {2020},
journal = {arXiv:2012.08180 [cs.LG]},
keywords = {}
Shala, Gresa; Biedenkapp, André; Awad, Noor; Adriaensen, Steven; Lindauer, Marius; Hutter, Frank Learning Step-Size Adaptation in CMA-ES Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN'20), 2020. @inproceedings{shala-ppsn20,
title = {Learning Step-Size Adaptation in CMA-ES},
author = {Gresa Shala and André Biedenkapp and Noor Awad and Steven Adriaensen and Marius Lindauer and Frank Hutter},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN'20)},
keywords = {}
Awad, Noor; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Hutter, F Differential Evolution for Neural Architecture Search Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the 1st workshop on neural architecture search(@ICLR'20), 2020. @inproceedings{awad-iclr20,
title = {Differential Evolution for Neural Architecture Search},
author = {Noor Awad and Neeratyoy Mallik and F Hutter},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st workshop on neural architecture search(@ICLR'20)},
keywords = {}
Fuks, L; Awad, Noor; Hutter, F; Lindauer, M An Evolution Strategy with Progressive Episode Lengths for Playing Games Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’19), 2019. @inproceedings{fuks-ijcai19a,
title = {An Evolution Strategy with Progressive Episode Lengths for Playing Games},
author = {L Fuks and Noor Awad and F Hutter and M Lindauer},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’19)},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg KH; Köhler, Gregor; Awad, Noor; Hutter, Frank Neural Architecture Evolution in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control Journal Article In: NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Meta-Learning, 2019. @article{franke2019neural,
title = {Neural Architecture Evolution in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control},
author = {Jörg KH Franke and Gregor Köhler and Noor Awad and Frank Hutter},
year = {2019},
journal = {NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Meta-Learning},
keywords = {}