
PhD Student

Neeratyoy Mallik

Postal address
Institut für Informatik
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Sekretariat Hutter/Maschinelles Lernen
Georges-Köhler-Allee 074
79110 Freiburg, Germany
+49 761 203-74217



Watanabe, Shuhei; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Bergman, Edward; Hutter, Frank

Fast Benchmarking of Asynchronous Multi-Fidelity Optimization on Zero-Cost Benchmarks Inproceedings Forthcoming

In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML 2024), ABCD Track, Forthcoming.

Rakotoarison, Herilalaina; Adriaensen, Steven; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Garibov, Samir; Bergman, Eddie; Hutter, Frank

In-Context Freeze-Thaw Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Optimization Inproceedings

In: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024.


Mallik, Neeratyoy; Bergman, Eddie; Hvarfner, Carl; Stoll, Danny; Janowski, Maciej; Lindauer, Marius; Nardi, Luigi; Hutter, Frank

PriorBand: Practical Hyperparameter Optimization in the Age of Deep Learning Inproceedings

In: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.


Mallik, Neeratyoy; Hvarfner, Carl; Stoll, Danny; Janowski, Maciej; Bergman, Eddie; Lindauer, Marius; Nardi, Luigi; Hutter, Frank

PriorBand: HyperBand + Human Expert Knowledge Inproceedings

In: Sixth Workshop on Meta-Learning at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2022.


Eggensperger, Katharina; Müller, Philipp; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Feurer, Matthias; Sass, René; Klein, Aaron; Awad, Noor; Lindauer, Marius; Hutter, Frank

HPOBench: A Collection of Reproducible Multi-Fidelity Benchmark Problems for HPO Inproceedings

In: Vanschoren, J.; Yeung, S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks, 2021.

Awad, Noor; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Hutter, Frank

DEHB: Evolutionary Hyberband for Scalable, Robust and Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization Inproceedings

In: Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'21),, 2021.

Feurer, Matthias; van Rijn, Jan N; Kadra, Arlind; Gijsbers, Pieter; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Ravi, Sahithya; Müller, Andreas; Vanschoren, Joaquin; Hutter, Frank

OpenML-Python: an extensible Python API for OpenML Journal Article

In: Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 22, no. 100, pp. 1-5, 2021.


Awad, Noor; Shala, Gresa; Deng, Difan; Mallik, Neeratyoy; Feurer, Matthias; Eggensperger, Katharina; Biedenkapp, André; Vermetten, Diederick; Wang, Hao; Doerr, Carola; Lindauer, Marius; Hutter, Frank

Squirrel: A Switching Hyperparameter Optimizer Description of the entry by & IOHprofiler to the NeurIPS 2020 BBO challenge Journal Article

In: arXiv:2012.08180 [cs.LG], 2020, (Optimizer description for the NeurIPS 2020 BBO competition. Squirrel won the competition´s warm-starting friendly leaderboard.).

Awad, N; Mallik, N; Hutter, F

Differential Evolution for Neural Architecture Search Inproceedings

In: Proceedings of the 1st workshop on neural architecture search(@ICLR'20), 2020.