
Winter Semester 2019

Bayesian optimization

Course type: Seminar
Time: Thursday, 12:30-14:00 (first meeting, October 24th, 12:15-13:45)
Location: Building 101, Room 01 018
Organizers: Frank Hutter , Katharina Eggensperger , Matthias Feurer , Noor Awad , Arbër Zela
Web page: , HisInOne

Foundations of Deep Learning

Course type: Lecture + Exercise
Time: Lecture: Monday 14:15 - 15:45; Exercise: Thursday 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Lecture: Building 101, HS 00 026 (μ-SAAL); Exercise: Building 082, HS 00 006 (KinoHörsaal)
Organizers: Frank Hutter , Joschka Bödecker , Abhinav Valada , Arber Zela , Raghu Rajan , Jörg Franke , Andreas Sälinger
Web page: , ILIAS


Course type: B.Sc./M.Sc. projects
Kickoff meeting: TBA
Location: Kitchen, Building 074
Web page: Open Projects

Reading Group Automated Machine Learning

Course type: Oberseminar: Reading Group (no ECTS) -- Automated Machine Learning
Time: Thursdays, 10:45
Location: Kitchen, Building 074
Web page: Reading Group

Reading Group DLHO

Course type: Oberseminar: Reading Group (no ECTS) -- Deep Learning and Hyperparameter Optimization
Time: Wednesdays, 16:00
Location: Building 052, 01-033

Reading Group RL

Course type: Oberseminar: Reading Group (no ECTS) -- Reinforcement Learning
Time: Monday, 16:00
Location: Kitchen, Building 074