Grazzi, Riccardo; Siems, Julien; Franke, Jörg; Zela, Arber; Hutter, Frank; Pontil, Massimiliano Unlocking State-Tracking in Linear RNNs Through Negative Eigenvalues Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025, (Oral). @inproceedings{Grazzi2025,
title = {Unlocking State-Tracking in Linear RNNs Through Negative Eigenvalues},
author = {Riccardo Grazzi and Julien Siems and Jörg Franke and Arber Zela and Frank Hutter and Massimiliano Pontil},
year = {2025},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
keywords = {}
Ferreira, Fabio; Rapant, Ivo; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Hutter, Frank Beyond Random Augmentations: Pretraining with Hard Views Conference Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025. @conference{ferreira-iclr25a,
title = {Beyond Random Augmentations: Pretraining with Hard Views},
author = {Fabio Ferreira and Ivo Rapant and Jörg K. H. Franke and Frank Hutter},
year = {2025},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
keywords = {}
Grazzi, Riccardo; Siems, Julien; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Zela, Arber; Hutter, Frank; Pontil, Massimiliano Unlocking State-Tracking in linear RNNs through Negative Eigenvalues Inproceedings In: NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning Workshop (M3L), 2024, (Oral Presentation). @inproceedings{Grazzi2024d,
title = {Unlocking State-Tracking in linear RNNs through Negative Eigenvalues},
author = {Riccardo Grazzi and Julien Siems and Jörg K. H. Franke and Arber Zela and Frank Hutter and Massimiliano Pontil},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Mathematics of Modern Machine Learning Workshop (M3L)},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg K. H.; Hefenbrock, Michael; Koehler, Gregor; Hutter, Frank Improving Deep Learning Optimization through Constrained Parameter Regularization Inproceedings In: 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024. @inproceedings{franke2023constrained,
title = {Improving Deep Learning Optimization through Constrained Parameter Regularization},
author = {Jörg K. H. Franke and Michael Hefenbrock and Gregor Koehler and Frank Hutter},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
key = {2311.09058},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg; Hefenbrock, Michael; Hutter, Frank Preserving Principal Subspaces to Reduce Catastrophic Forgetting in Fine-tuning Inproceedings In: Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models
(ME-FoMo) Workshop, 2024. @inproceedings{nokey,
title = {Preserving Principal Subspaces to Reduce Catastrophic Forgetting in Fine-tuning},
author = {Jörg Franke and Michael Hefenbrock and Frank Hutter},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models
(ME-FoMo) Workshop},
journal = {Workshop on Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models (ME-FoMo)},
keywords = {}
Patil, Sharat; Runge, Frederic; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Hutter, Frank Towards Generative RNA Design with Tertiary Interactions Workshop The Generative and Experimental perspectives in bioMolecular design (GEM) workshop (ICLR 2024), 2024, (Oral Presentation). @workshop{nokey,
title = {Towards Generative RNA Design with Tertiary Interactions},
author = {Sharat Patil and Frederic Runge and Jörg K. H. Franke and Frank Hutter},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {The Generative and Experimental perspectives in bioMolecular design (GEM) workshop (ICLR 2024)},
keywords = {}
Matus, Dominika; Runge, Frederic; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Gerne, Lars; Uhl, Michael; Hutter, Frank; Backofen, Rolf RNA-Protein Interaction Prediction via Sequence Embeddings Workshop The Generative and Experimental perspectives in bioMolecular design (GEM) workshop (ICLR 2024), 2024. @workshop{nokey,
title = {RNA-Protein Interaction Prediction via Sequence Embeddings},
author = {Dominika Matus and Frederic Runge and Jörg K. H. Franke and Lars Gerne and Michael Uhl and Frank Hutter and Rolf Backofen},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {The Generative and Experimental perspectives in bioMolecular design (GEM) workshop (ICLR 2024)},
keywords = {}
Runge, Frederic; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Fertmann, Daniel; Hutter, Frank Rethinking Performance Measures of RNA Secondary Structure Problems Workshop Machine Learning for Structural Biology Workshop, (NeruIPS 2023), 2023. @workshop{runge2023rethinking,
title = {Rethinking Performance Measures of RNA Secondary Structure Problems},
author = {Frederic Runge and Jörg K. H. Franke and Daniel Fertmann and Frank Hutter},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {Machine Learning for Structural Biology Workshop, (NeruIPS 2023)},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg K. H.; Hefenbrock, Michael; Koehler, Gregor; Hutter, Frank New Horizons in Parameter Regularization: A Constraint Approach Inproceedings In: OPT2023: 15th Annual Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, (NeurIPS 2023), 2023. @inproceedings{franke2023new,
title = {New Horizons in Parameter Regularization: A Constraint Approach},
author = {Jörg K. H. Franke and Michael Hefenbrock and Gregor Koehler and Frank Hutter},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {OPT2023: 15th Annual Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, (NeurIPS 2023)},
keywords = {}
Runge, Frederic; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Hutter, Frank Towards Automated Design of Riboswitches Workshop The 2023 ICML Workshop on Computational Biology, 2023. @workshop{runge2023towards,
title = {Towards Automated Design of Riboswitches},
author = {Frederic Runge and Jörg K. H. Franke and Frank Hutter},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {The 2023 ICML Workshop on Computational Biology},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg; Runge, Frederic; Hutter, Frank Probabilistic Transformer: Modelling Ambiguities and Distributions for RNA Folding and Molecule Design Inproceedings In: Oh, Alice H.; Agarwal, Alekh; Belgrave, Danielle; Cho, Kyunghyun (Ed.): Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), 2022. @inproceedings{franke2022probabilistic,
title = {Probabilistic Transformer: Modelling Ambiguities and Distributions for RNA Folding and Molecule Design},
author = {Jörg Franke and Frederic Runge and Frank Hutter},
editor = {Alice H. Oh and Alekh Agarwal and Danielle Belgrave and Kyunghyun Cho},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg K H; Köhler, Gregor; Biedenkapp, André; Hutter, Frank Sample-Efficient Automated Deep Reinforcement Learning Journal Article In: International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021, 2021. @article{franke-iclr21a,
title = {Sample-Efficient Automated Deep Reinforcement Learning},
author = {Jörg K H Franke and Gregor Köhler and André Biedenkapp and Frank Hutter},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021},
journal = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021},
keywords = {}
Stoll, Danny; Franke, Jörg K H; Wagner, Diane; Selg, Simon; Hutter, Frank Hyperparameter Transfer Across Developer Adjustments Journal Article In: NeurIPS 4th Workshop on Meta-Learning, 2020. @article{stoll2020,
title = {Hyperparameter Transfer Across Developer Adjustments},
author = {Danny Stoll and Jörg K H Franke and Diane Wagner and Simon Selg and Frank Hutter},
year = {2020},
journal = {NeurIPS 4th Workshop on Meta-Learning},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg KH; Köhler, Gregor; Awad, Noor; Hutter, Frank Neural Architecture Evolution in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control Journal Article In: NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Meta-Learning, 2019. @article{franke2019neural,
title = {Neural Architecture Evolution in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control},
author = {Jörg KH Franke and Gregor Köhler and Noor Awad and Frank Hutter},
year = {2019},
journal = {NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Meta-Learning},
keywords = {}
Bandi, Peter; Geessink, Oscar; Manson, Quirine; Dijk, Marcory Van; Balkenhol, Maschenka; Hermsen, Meyke; Bejnordi, Babak Ehteshami; Lee, Byungjae; Paeng, Kyunghyun; Zhong, Aoxiao; Franke, Jörg; Both, Fabian; others, From detection of individual metastases to classification of lymph node status at the patient level: the CAMELYON17 challenge Journal Article In: IEEE transactions on medical imaging, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 550–560, 2018. @article{bandi2018detection,
title = {From detection of individual metastases to classification of lymph node status at the patient level: the CAMELYON17 challenge},
author = {Peter Bandi and Oscar Geessink and Quirine Manson and Marcory Van Dijk and Maschenka Balkenhol and Meyke Hermsen and Babak Ehteshami Bejnordi and Byungjae Lee and Kyunghyun Paeng and Aoxiao Zhong and Jörg Franke and Fabian Both and others},
year = {2018},
journal = {IEEE transactions on medical imaging},
volume = {38},
number = {2},
pages = {550--560},
publisher = {IEEE},
keywords = {}
Franke, Jörg; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex Robust and Scalable Differentiable Neural Computer for Question Answering Inproceedings In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering, pp. 47–59, 2018. @inproceedings{franke2018robust,
title = {Robust and Scalable Differentiable Neural Computer for Question Answering},
author = {Jörg Franke and Jan Niehues and Alex Waibel},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering},
pages = {47--59},
keywords = {}
Müller, Markus; Franke, Jörg; Stüker, Sebastian; Waibe, Alex Improving phoneme set discovery for documenting unwritten languages Journal Article In: Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017, pp. 202–209, 2017. @article{muller2017improving,
title = {Improving phoneme set discovery for documenting unwritten languages},
author = {Markus Müller and Jörg Franke and Sebastian Stüker and Alex Waibe},
year = {2017},
journal = {Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017},
pages = {202--209},
publisher = {TUDpress, Dresden},
keywords = {}
Müller, Markus; Franke, Jörg; Waibel, Alex; Stüker, Sebastian Towards phoneme inventory discovery for documentation of unwritten languages Inproceedings In: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 5200–5204, IEEE 2017. @inproceedings{muller2017towards,
title = {Towards phoneme inventory discovery for documentation of unwritten languages},
author = {Markus Müller and Jörg Franke and Alex Waibel and Sebastian Stüker},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
pages = {5200--5204},
organization = {IEEE},
keywords = {}
Franke, Joerg; Mueller, Markus; Hamlaoui, Fatima; Stueker, Sebastian; Waibel, Alex Phoneme boundary detection using deep bidirectional lstms Inproceedings In: Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium, pp. 1–5, VDE 2016. @inproceedings{franke2016phoneme,
title = {Phoneme boundary detection using deep bidirectional lstms},
author = {Joerg Franke and Markus Mueller and Fatima Hamlaoui and Sebastian Stueker and Alex Waibel},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium},
pages = {1--5},
organization = {VDE},
keywords = {}