
Our ICLR 2024 Publications

Main Track

Hvarfner, Carl; Hutter, Frank; Nardi, Luigi

A General Framework for User-Guided Bayesian Optimization Inproceedings

In: The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.

Arango, Sebastian Pineda; Ferreira, Fabio; Kadra, Arlind; Hutter, Frank; Grabocka, Josif

Quick-Tune: Quickly Learning Which Pretrained Model to Finetune and How Inproceedings

In: The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024, (Oral Presentation).


Matus, Dominika; Runge, Frederic; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Gerne, Lars; Uhl, Michael; Hutter, Frank; Backofen, Rolf

RNA-Protein Interaction Prediction via Sequence Embeddings Workshop

The Generative and Experimental perspectives in bioMolecular design (GEM) workshop (ICLR 2024), 2024.

Patil, Sharat; Runge, Frederic; Franke, Jörg K. H.; Hutter, Frank

Towards Generative RNA Design with Tertiary Interactions Workshop

The Generative and Experimental perspectives in bioMolecular design (GEM) workshop (ICLR 2024), 2024, (Oral Presentation).

Kohli, Ravin; Feurer, Matthias; Eggensperger, Katharina; Bischl, Bernd; Hutter, Frank

Towards Quantifying the Effect of Datasets for Benchmarking: A Look at Tabular Machine Learning Inproceedings

In: Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR) Workshop (ICLR 2024), 2024.

Franke, Jörg; Hefenbrock, Michael; Hutter, Frank

Preserving Principal Subspaces to Reduce Catastrophic Forgetting in Fine-tuning Inproceedings

In: Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models (ME-FoMo) Workshop, 2024.

Grazzi, Riccardo; Siems, Julien; Schrodi, Simon; Brox, Thomas; Hutter, Frank

Is Mamba Capable of In-Context Learning? Inproceedings

In: Mathematical and Empirical Understanding of Foundation Models (ME-FoMo) Workshop, 2024.