
Foundations of Deep Learning

Course type:Lecture + Exercise
Time:Lecture: Tuesday, 10:15 - 11:45; Optional exercises: Friday, 10:15 - 11:45
Location:The course will be in-person.
- Weekly flipped classroom sessions will be held on Tuesday in HS 00 006 (G.-Köhler-Allee 082)
- Optional exercise sessions will take place on Friday in HS 00 006 (G.-Köhler-Allee 082)
Organizers:Steven Adriaensen, Abhinav Valada, Mahmoud Safari, Rhea Sukthanker, Johannes Hog
Web page:ILIAS - available starting 8am, 15.10.24 (please make sure to also register for all elements of this course module in HISinOne)

Foundations of Deep Learning

Deep learning is one of the fastest growing and most exciting fields. This course will provide you with a clear understanding of the fundamentals of deep learning including the foundations to neural network architectures and learning techniques, and everything in between.

Course Overview

The course will be taught in English and will follow a flipped classroom approach.

Every week there will be:

  • a video lecture
  • an exercise sheet
  • a flipped classroom session (Tuesdays, 10:15 - 11:45)
  • an attendance optional exercise session (Fridays, 10:15 - 11:45)

At the end, there will be a written exam (likely an ILIAS test).

Exercises must be completed in groups and must be submitted 2 weeks (+ 1 day) after their release.
Your submissions will be graded and you will receive weekly feedback.
Your final grade will be solely based on a written examination, however, a passing grade for the exercises is a prerequisite for passing the course.

Course Material: All material will be made available in ILIAS and course participation will not require in-person presence. That being said, we offer ample opportunity for direct interaction with the professors during live Q & A sessions and with our tutors during weekly attendance optional in-class exercise sessions.

Exam: The exam will likely be a test you complete on ILIAS. In-person presence will be required.

Course Schedule

The following are the dates for the flipped classroom sessions (tentative, subject to change):

15.10.24- Kickoff: Info Course Organisation
22.10.24 - Week 1: Intro to Deep Learning
29.10.24 - Week 2: From Logistic Regression to MLPs
5.11.24 - Week 3: Backpropagation
12.11.24 - Week 4: Optimization
19.11.24 - Week 5: Regularization
26.11.24 - Week 6: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
03.12.24 - Week 7: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
10.12.24 - Week 8: Attention & Transformers
17.12.24 - Week 9: Practical Methodology
07.01.25 - Week 10: Auto - Encoders, Variational Auto - Encoders, GANs
14.01.25 - Week 11: Uncertainty in Deep Learning
21.01.25 - Week 12: AutoML for DL
28.01.25 - Round - up / Exam Q & A

In the first session (on 15.10.24) you will get additional information about the course and get the opportunity to ask general questions. While there is no need to prepare for this first session, we encourage you to already think about forming teams.
The last flipped classroom session will be held on 28.01.25.

Competition Results

Flower Classification Challenge

This semester, we organized an optional student competition. In this challenge, students were to train a model to perform class prediction on a flower dataset (more info here).

There were two tracks:
- Fast-track (models with less than 100k parameters)
- Large-track (models with less than 25M parameters)
The winners per track were determined based on the accuracy of the submitted models on a hidden test set.

The Fast-track podium (12 entries):
- 1st place: Jan Sander
- 2nd place: Sepuh Hovhannisyan
- 3rd place: Ole Ossen

The Large-track podium (9 entries):
- 1st place: Devika Panneer Selvam
- 2nd/3rd place : Ali Mert Aydın, Oğuz Kuyucu, Salih Bora Öztürk
- 2nd/3rd place: Ole Ossen



If you have a question, please post it in the ILIAS forum (so everyone can benefit from the answer).