Alumni, Alumni 2021
Yash Mehta

Postal address
Institut für InformatikAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Sekretariat Hutter/Maschinelles Lernen
Georges-Köhler-Allee 074
79110 Freiburg, Germany
+49 761 203-74217Office
Building 74, Room 00-014About
I am currently a research engineer at the Machine Learning Group working on NAS under the supervision of Prof Frank Hutter. Before this, I was at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at UCL working on bioplausible learning for neural networks under the joint supervision of Prof Peter Latham and Timothy Lillicrap (DeepMind). For a brief stint in between, I was a research intern at Huawei R&D London, working on NAS for the task of low light image denoising. I also briefly worked at Amazon as a software developer, where I copy-pasted tons of stuff from StackOverflow. I did my research thesis on deep learning-based personality detection at NTU Singapore under the supervision of Prof Erik Cambria.
Research Interests
Neural Architecture Search (NAS), Transformers and applications (e.g. EEG data prediction)
- NAS for discovering transformer architectures
- NAS for EEG data (as a collaboration with the Neuromedical AI Lab)
- NASLib: A Modular and Flexible NAS Library
- Deep Learning Lab SS'21: AutoML Track Orga
- Erdős Number: 3 (Yash Mehta -> Erik Cambria –> Giuseppe Melfi –> Paul Erdős)
- CV
- My 3 word address: shower.archive.decent